How do I receive remote software updates on my Avive Connect AED?
Avive's connectivity capabilities allow for remote, or over-the-air, software updates.
Your Avive Connect AED will receive software updates automatically as they become available when your device is at least 50% charged and connected to Wi-Fi.
To receive software updates, you should:
- Ensure your device is connected to Wi-Fi
- Ensure your device is charged
- Ensure your device is in a fully functional health state
- Ensure your REALConnect subscription is active
To prompt a software update, you can:
- Option 1: Your device will automatically check for any available software updates and install them during its nightly self-test, so long as your device is connected to Wi-Fi, charged, and in a fully functional health state.
- Option 2:Prompt the software update manually, follow the steps below:
Charge your device for at least 30 minutes. Keep your device on the charger for the following steps.
Navigate to the Settings menu and press the “Reboot Screen” button.
Connect your device to Wi-Fi. If you cannot connect to Wi-Fi, contact Avive Customer Support.
Press and hold the white Power Button on the top of the device for at least 10 seconds to prompt a Status Check. The device will visually and audibly tell you the current software version and status.
If you do not see the software version appear on the screen, contact Avive Customer Support.Your software should update after ~20 minutes. You may see the screen reboot during this process.
Confirm the “Connectivity Software Version” number starts with 2.0 on Your Device -> Device Details
If the software hasn’t updated after completing these steps, contact Avive Customer Support at or by calling 1-800-489-4428 Monday to Friday between 6am and 5pm Pacific.